Cameras & Binoculars
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We stock a range of Cameras from compact to SLR
We stock a range of Cameras from compact to SLR, new to pre-owned & stock changes frequently so it’s best to pop in & see what the best deals are.
We stock a range of binoculars from Opticron, Kenro, Olympus & many others. Binoculars are best tried because our eyes are all very different, what suits one will not work for another & different requirements mean selecting the right pair is paramount. Large or small, just being able to see that bit further of finding that needle in a hay stack!
Accessories - where to start!
We have lens caps, lens hoods, filters, tripods, bags, cleaning kits, cloths, batteries, cables, films, single use cameras, memory cards and more.

- We can fix most types of Digital Cameras, Lenses, Binoculars and Spotting Scopes. We are experts with regards to older 35mm & Medium format equipment as well.
- All our repairs now carry a unique 12 month warranty
- Each DSLR or Mirror less camera will have a sensor clean included in the repair price!
- If its just a sensor clean you need we can attend to that as well